The manual, paper-based bill-only process for invoicing medical implanted devices is causing hospitals to overpay their vendors by up to 10% annually.
Most bill-only processes today rely on a paper “bill sheet” completed by the medical device rep in the OR. Oftentimes, these bill-sheets are processed for payment with only a cursory review for accuracy. The individuals tasked with processing these bill-sheets often lack specific medical device knowledge and are unfamiliar with the hospital’s contract with the vendor, or even what happened in the operating room. Vendor reps know these knowledge gaps exist and will take advantage of the current process in order to increase their commissions by padding their invoices.
This is where Kermit comes in. With Kermit, device reps enter information about each case and snap a picture of their paper bill sheet. From there, each device and its component parts are catalogued and classified, and business rules are applied to each case based on the specific contract terms with the appropriate vendor. A team of Kermit PPI experts audit every case that fails to meet your contractual terms, all without disrupting your current process (which keeps surgeons happy!). This process has resulted in tens of millions in savings across our partner hospitals. Once more, our analytics platform makes all of this detailed spend and utilization data available for surgeons, supply chain/value analysis leaders and financial executives in real-time.
If you have any interest in learning more about Kermit, how we can fix your bill-only process and find savings, complete the contact form and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.
866-200-SAVE (7283)
Kermit Support
CaseSnap Support
11350 McCormick Road,
Executive Plaza 3, Suite 500
Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031
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